What is Food Fortification?

Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals viz. Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin D etc. to foods such as rice, wheat, vegetable oil, milk and salt as well as food products to improve nutritional content. These nutrients may or may not have been present in the food before processing or may have been lost during processing. FFRC
Micronutrient malnutrition contributes significantly to the global burden of disease.
Correction of micronutrient deficiencies aim to ensure consumption of a diet that is adequate in every nutrient.
Food fortification has dual advantage of being able to deliver nutrients, without changes in food consumption patterns. WHO

Why is Fortification Needed?

Malnutrition & micronutrient deficiency are serious health risks!
Edible oil fortification helps combat malnutrition viz. child blindness. Milk fortification supports bone health and immunity. Fortified rice helps preventing anemia. Fortified flour addresses micronutrient deficiencies and promotes cognitive development. Iodized salt prevents iodine deficiency disorders. Food Fortification Initiative (FFI)
National Family Health Survey (NFHS) – 5 estimates 67% children (6-59 months) are anaemic; 57% women in reproductive age are anaemic; 32.1% of children (under 5) are underweight.
These fortification efforts align with India’s National Nutrition Mission (Poshan Abhiyaan), which aims to reduce malnutrition and stunting. They also support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health & Well-Being) by ensuring access to essential nutrients, fostering healthier populations and reducing hunger and preventable diseases.

Our Food Fortification Products
The Need
More than 57% of children in India suffer from Vitamin A deficiency, a major cause of night-blindness. Additionally, a high proportion of pregnant women and their new-borns suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays an important role in decreasing the risk of many diseases, including cancers, auto-immune diseases, infectious diseases, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
As per Household Consumer Expenditure (HCE) Survey in India, NSSO 2011, consumption of oil is ~20-30 GM/person/day. As Vitamins A and D are fat-soluble, fortification of vegetable oils and fats with these is a good strategy to address micronutrient malnutrition – as fortified vegetable oil provides ~30% of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Vitamins A and D. FSSAI

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- Keep the bottle containing premix in water bath for 20 minutes with temperature set to 40°C.
- Pour contents and dilute suitably with vegetable oil before adding to the bulk mixing tank. This is followed by packing from the bulk storage of the fortified vegetable oil/product including vanaspati.
- Note: Mixing can be done either in Continuous or Batch Mode.
- Watch Fortification Process

- USAGE: for fortification of edible oil with Vitamins A & D.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 5 MT.
- PACKING: 100 GM, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of edible oil with Vitamins A, D & E.
- PACKING: 1 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
India is the largest producer of milk in the world with 146.3 million tonnes of production and per capita availability of 322 GM/day.
Fortification of milk with Vitamin A and Vitamin D is required in India because of the widespread deficiencies present in the population. A National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB) survey and a Report of the expert group of ICMR in 2012 stated that India has very high burden of Vitamin A and D deficiencies, amongst both young children and adults particularly in urban areas are physically less active and have a very limited exposure to sunlight. Also, while milk is a rich source of high-quality protein, calcium and vitamins A and D. Vitamins A & D are lost when milk fat is removed during processing.
Since milk is consumed by all, its fortification with micronutrients is a good strategy to address micronutrient malnutrition. FSSAI

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

Process – For Liquid Milk
- An aliquot of cold milk is mixed with the contents of the premix poured into a mixing tank.
- The pre-blend is then added to milk aliquot.
- The pre-blend (of milk & premix) is homogenized before adding to bulk milk in processing. This is followed by packing from the bulk storage of the fortified milk/product.
- Watch Fortification Process

Process – For Dried Milk
- In a separate mixing tank mix premix with a suitable aliquot of cold milk. Set temperature between 40-45°C to hasten dissolution.
- When the powder is fully uniformly dissolved, the pre-blend (milk & premix) is then added to the bulk milk in processing. This is followed by packing from the bulk storage of the fortified milk/product.
- Note: It is not necessary to homogenize the pre-blend (of milk & premix) before adding it to bulk milk in processing.

- USAGE: for fortification of milk Vitamins A & D.
- PACKING: 1 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of milk with Vitamins A & D.
- PACKING: 1 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
Rice fortification is a cost effective and culturally appropriate strategy to address micronutrient deficiency in countries with high per capita rice consumption. As per Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, India’s rice production has increased at Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 1.43% 2005-06 and 2016-17. India was the second leading rice producer followed by Indonesia and Bangladesh in 2015-16. Fortifying rice makes it more nutritious by adding vitamins and minerals in the post – harvest phase; many of which are lost during the milling and polishing process.
Rice fortification may be considered as having the highest potential to fill the gap in the staple food fortification programs as it is the staple food of 65 percent of the Indian population and reaches the most vulnerable and poorer section – with the highest uptake in the government safety net programmes .The food and civil supplies department of each state empanels a number of rice millers in each district for regular supply of rice to the FCI, from which it is distributed to the social safety net schemes. FSSAI

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- Dough made of rice flour, premix, and water. Then it is hot-extruded through screw extruder. The extrusion is then granulated into grains which resemble rice kernels.
- These granules are processed under 70-110°C temperature from pre-conditioning and/or heat transfer in steam heated barrel jackets. This results in fully / partially pre-cooked simulated rice-like granules resembling regular rice kernels i.e. pre-blended granules (of rice flour and premix).
- This pre-blended granules (of rice flour and premix) is thereafter mixed along with natural polished rice to produce Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK). This is followed by packing from the bulk storage of the FRK.
- Watch Fortification Process

- USAGE: for fortification of Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK) / Rice with Vitamins & Minerals.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK) / Rice with Iron, Vitamins B9 & B12.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 2 KG for 98 KG Broken Rice/Flour.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
As per National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB) survey 2012, the average intake of cereals and millets was 375 GM/CU/day providing >= 70% of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI). Wheat is the staple food for most Indians in the wheat growing areas (North, West and Central India) and is consumed in the form of homemade chapattis or rotis (unleavened flat bread) using custom milled atta (whole wheat flour). For the year 2018-19, wheat consumption is forecasted at 93 MMT. Therefore, wheat flour is a suitable vehicle for fortification to improve the nutritional status of the mass population.
Advantages of Fortifying Wheat Flour range from it being a safe and effective means of providing nutrients for improving public health to it being an excellent vehicle for adding nutrients to the diet as wheat flour is commonly consumed; is a cost-effective method to prevent nutritional deficiencies; and nutrient losses take place during milling of wheat. Further, Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 added to wheat flour is important for fighting anaemia and enhances blood formation. Fortification helps in adding back these nutrients. FSSAI

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- Some quantity of flour/refined flour mixed with premix to obtain a pre-blend. The pre-blend is mixed with the remaining flour/refined flour in a continuous mixer.
- The premix is added through a volumetric feeder located towards the end of the milling process. The screw rotates inside a chamber containing the premix and pushes the premix through the outlet. The quantity of premix added to the unfortified flour/refined flour can be modified by changing the motor speed.
- Alternatively, the premix can be either directly fed into the flour via gravity or by pneumatic air-convection system. In the gravity system, the best point to add the premix is before the midpoint along the screw conveyor that collects flour from all the mill passages, followed by packing from the bulk storage of fortified flour/refined flour.
- Watch Fortification Process for Large Flour Mill
- Watch Fortification Process for Small Mill (Chakki)

- USAGE: for fortification of Wheat, Maize & Refined Flour with Iron, Vitamins B9 & B12.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 500 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of Flour with Vitamins & Minerals.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) range from goitre, hypothyroidism, cretinism, brain damage, intellectual disability, psychomotor defects, hearing and speech impairment, abortion and stillbirths etc.. Intelligent Quotient (IQ) Children born in iodine deficient areas have 13.5 IQ points less than those in Iodine sufficient areas. Majority of the consequences of IDD are invisible and irreversible but are totally preventable. IDD constitute the single largest cause of preventable brain damage worldwide.
Every year ~9 million pregnant women and ~8 million newborns are at risk of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in India. IDDs are linked to iodine deficient soil. This leads to deficiency of iodine in crops, with consequently low iodine in the diet for livestock and humans. This deficiency of iodine in the diet can be addressed by fortification of salt because it is consumed almost daily and universally. Due to lack of iodine in the soil and therefore in diet ~1. 2 billion people are at risk of IDD and ~264 million people are at high risk. India has the largest number of children born vulnerable to IDD. Currently, 92% of the population consumes iodised salt in India. FSSAI & Tata Trust

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- Double Fortified Salt is formed by blending premix with salt in 1:200 ratio.
- Some quantity of salt is taken and mixed with premix to obtain a pre-blend (of salt and premix). The pre-blend is mixed with the remaining unfortified salt in a continuous mixer.
- The pre-blend (of salt and premix) can be either directly fed into the unfortified salt manually, or gravity, or by blending in a blender followed by packing from the bulk storage of fortified salt.
- Note: Mixing can be done either in Batch Mode or continuously.
- Watch Fortification Process for Large Plant
- Watch Fortification Process for Batch Plant

- USAGE: for fortification of Salt with Iodine and Iron.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 1 KG for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of Salt with Iodine and Iron.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 1 KG for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
Wheat is the staple food for most Indians and is consumed in the form of homemade roti (unleavened flat bread), to sandwich / brown / multigrain breads, biscuits and bakery items etc. Iron fortification is already widely practised in many parts of the world. For example, more than 20 countries in Latin America have implemented mass iron fortification programmes, most of which involve the fortification of wheat or maize flours. Elsewhere, other frequently used food vehicles include cereal-based complementary foods, products derived from cereal flours (e.g. bread, cereal snacks and breakfast cereals) are also useful food vehicles. WHO-FAO
Advantages of fortifying Wheat Flour/Refined Flour and Cereal Flours range from it being a safe and effective means of providing nutrients for improving public health excellent vehicle by adding nutrients to the diet is a cost-effective method to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Further, Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 added to the flour is important for fighting anaemia and enhances blood formation. Fortification helps in adding back these nutrients. FSSAI
Bread, biscuit and bakery product fortification have been found to have significant and positive impact on nutrition among children.

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- In bread, biscuit and bakery products manufacturing, premix is blended with to the dough, in the dough-making step, at the creaming/wet stage.
- Note: Mixing can be done either in Continuous or Batch Mode.

- USAGE: for fortification of dough with Vitamins and Minerals.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

- USAGE: for fortification of dough with Vitamins and Minerals.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

The Need
Iron fortification is already widely practised in many parts of the world. For example, more than 20 countries in Latin America have implemented mass iron fortification programmes, most of which involve the fortification of wheat or maize flours and products. Elsewhere, other frequently used food vehicles include cereal-based complementary foods, products derived from cereal flours (e.g. bread, cereal snacks and breakfast cereals) are also useful food vehicles. WHO-FAO
Breakfast Cereals are usually created by making a mixture of milled grain, water, salt, and sweeteners, colorants, flavorants and fragrance. The process causes the product to lose nutrients – e.g. vitamins are lost during processing of grains. Further, nutrients can be also lost as the mixture is pressure cooked, rolled, flaked, shaped and also toasted. Hence, the premix must be such that it mitigates the aforesaid challenges.

- Longer lasting premix, due to reduced reactivity of nutrients from environment exposure – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Controlled release of nutrients in food – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Happy consumers due to assured nutrient delivery – from cutting-edge Microencapsulation Technology.
- Cost effective nutrient fortification – no investment in new equipment.
- 100% Vegetarian – satisfied consumers.
- Assured & consistent quality – COA available on request.
- Made from safe materials – SDS available on request.
- Brand loyalty & trusting consumers – from Fortified Logo displayed on consumer packs.

- While there are several options where premix can be added during manufacturing, given below most prevalent ones:
- Premix can be added to the main mixture before processing. Overages have been added to prevent loss of vitamins and other nutrients due to heat.
- Alternatively, heat sensitive Vitamins A, B1, D2, E, C etc. can be blended after the processes with high temperature (viz. oven, extruder).
- Note: Mixing can be done either in Continuous or Batch Mode.

- USAGE: for fortification of cereals with Vitamins and Minerals.
- RATE OF ADDITION: 100 GM for 250 KG.
- PACKING: 25 KG, customizable.
- For customized specifications and packing – contact us.

What Makes Us Different?
Cutting Edge Technology
Microencapsulation of nutrients for assured nutrient delivery
Product in Nitrogen makes nutrients last longer
Flexibility For Customers
Make customizable products as per customer’s needs
Global Standards
As per WHO-FAO, FSSAI recommendations
Safe Materials
Material Safety Data (MSD) for usage, storage & carriage
100% Vegetarian
No animal source material used
Cost Effective
Economical fortification cost
On-time Delivery
Proactive Customer Support
Assured Quality
Consistent product quality (COA)

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